Dan Kennedy’s 10 Rules For Direct Response Marketing
Rule #1 — There shall always be an OFFER or OFFERS
Make every piece of content ask somebody to do something.
Ideally, an offer that the appropriate prospect or customer can’t refuse.
An offer is a product plus a value add, not just a product.
Click on the link below to get my 6 step framework
A person with the best offers wins,
we are not a brand marketer
Rule #2 — There shall always be a REASON to RESPOND NOW.
You must give your prospect a reason to respond right NOW, not later.
There are tons of prospects who may set it aside to respond later, and later never comes.
Eg -
5 Spot left Take Action Now
Buy now to get Discount
Rule #3 — There shall always be CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS on how to RESPOND.
Confused or uncertain consumers do nothing, and people rarely buy anything of consequence without being asked.
Most failures result from giving confusing directions or no direction at all.
Must have a clear Call To Action.
Eg .
Click the button down below to get the blueprint/framework/pdf
(Use your two-finger physically to point down to click the button)
Rule #4 — There shall be TRACKING and MEASUREMENT.
We don’t permit any advertising, marketing, or selling investments to be made without direct and accurate tracking, measurement, and accountability
Don’t do any advertising or marketing, without a way to accurately track and measure your results.
Calculation of Clicks, CPL, CPA
If your ad is not working check your offer, copy
Rule #5 — Whatever BRAND-BUILDING occurs will be a happy by-product, NOT BOUGHT.
No Investment for brand only use for Direct Response
We do not invest money to build a brand.
Branding comes from a profitable response to your marketing and is a by-product of your efforts.
We don’t pay for that, u create that.
Eg — rather than just promoting my brand & spending money on that I will use that money for selling products let brand value happen with customer satisfaction
Rule #6 — Thou Shall NOT do one-step marketing. There shall be FOLLOW-UP.
You don’t just pay for the customers you get when you invest in advertising and marketing.
You pay a price for every website visit, for every call, every walk-in.
Doing nothing is flushing money down the toilet.
Eg -
Build follow-up sequence for every lead entered into the system because “fortune in the follow-up”
Rule #7 — There shall be a strong copy: SALES COPY
The ordinary and normal are ignored and go unnoticed.
With no attention, you have no sales.
Copy is the words in print and must grab the attention of the reader and convert that attention to interest, then to a sale.
The goal of the copy is to increase the perceived value of what you are selling.
COPY is so important to increase the perceived value of my customer
Rule #8 — Thou shall NOT think, “But my business is different.”
These principles work for ALL businesses that need customers and sales.
You just have to figure out how these principles can be applied to your business.
Change the mindset of →> It won’t work for my business to How can I make it work for my business
Rule #9 — Thou shall NOT care about what friends, family, or yourself think. RESULTS RULE. Period.
Are your customers willing to pull their credit card out and pay for your “thing”?
Your customers vote for your product with their credit cards. 💳
What you think doesn’t matter. You don’t buy your own product. Your customers do.
Friends & family are not my dream customer .. the only matter most is Result.
Rule #10 — Thou shall be a TOUGH-MINDED IMPLEMENTOR and take MASSIVE ACTION.
This game is not for the weak-minded. Only action takers succeed here.
If you don’t take massive action and implement these principles, nothing will happen for you!
Take action right after learning
Hope you find value
You can get more valuable resources from me here